Titan Hoops registration opens

St. Theresa’s Titan Hoops Basketball

Hello Grade 7 and 8 students, teachers and parents!

St. Theresa Catholic Secondary is running a grade 7/8 basketball league on Thursday nights starting March 23rd running until May 25th. This is open to all grade 7 and 8 students, and any skill level with basketball is welcome! Registration is open until March 1st, 2023. The cost will be $50 for the basketball fees and will include a team t-shirt. Payment can be made during the first week of the season with either cash or cheque in person. Games will be 5pm or 5:45pm in the St. Theresa gym. You can fill out the Microsoft Form or scan the QR Code on the info poster to access the registration form. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Maureen Langabeer (mlangabeer@alcdsb.on.ca) or Julia Tees (jtees@alcdsb.on.ca).

Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=eWrjBJpsTkKu9WekMhYEwcPQaIZM0GhHiIo5OsBA7olUQ1ZNUVRDTjJXR0JMMk1XWDVLUEM1NVBLRC4u&fbclid=IwAR3gdU_n1dOyT3KjyyuIDZ2ldaRXrgkTfY_g6LmyJfTSiPMrSFyB0YtTj9o

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