Gold Medal finish for U16 ladies in Newmarket

U16 weekend recap from Coach de Vries:
This week there is a new spelling for TEAM. It is 245791012132044. Those are the jersey numbers of the Spirits major midget girls. A totally united effort at the IEM Newmarket tournament this weekend.
Every player brought energy, positive attitude, and a desire to succeed. It started with persistent ball pressure defense, tough rebounding, and unbelievable offensive transition. Teams simply could not run with these girls.
Every player got scores, every player did something to grow their game. Lots of talk, lots of smiles.
We won, quite convincingly, all four games in our pool play, 3 on Saturday, 1 Sunday. Gold medal game was Sunday afternoon against Kingston Impact, a very good squad, above us in OBL pool play. Despite their height advantage Kingston could not penetrate our intense man to man defense or keep up as the girls ran the floor hard – both ways – all game. Final score 59 -33.
A huge confidence builder for this group. They were tested and not only did they not break, they got better! Kudos to all.
Parents – in numbers – were there to support all weekend. Their commitment to supporting these events is immensely appreciated.
Great weekend girls! All you! Enjoy!
Next games are weekend #4 OBL, March 25/26.

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